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Displays the name of the channel


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Output



Displays the channel’s current viewer count


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Input

$(channel) has $(channel.viewers) viewers

Example Output

onslaught has 100 viewers


Displays the channel’s total view count


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Input

$(channel) has $(channel.views) views

Example Output

onslaught has 100 views


Displays the channel’s total follower count


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Input

$(channel) has $(channel.followers) followers

Example Output

onslaught has 100 followers


Displays the channel’s total subscriber count


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Input

$(channel) has $(channel.subs) subscribers

Example Output

onslaught has 100 subscribers


Displays the channel’s total subscriber points


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Input

$(channel) has $(channel.subpoints) subscriber points

Example Output

onslaught has 100 subscriber points


Displays the display name of the channel


This variable does not take any parameters.

Example Input

$(channel) $(channel.display_name)

Example Output

onslaught OnSlAuGhT